Press Release

Froelick Gallery is proud to announce New York artist Bo Joseph’s first solo exhibit on the West Coast. Showcasing a selection of drawings, paintings and small bronze cast sculpture, Become From Someplace Else is a continuation of Joseph’s abstract explorations of archetypal mythologies and metaphysical interdependencies. Mining auction catalogs and ethnographic journals, he creates stencils and masks from imagery of ritualistic idols and fetish objects. But rather than empower these icons further, his process “undefines” their purpose and intent. Through a precipitous method of painting, sanding, washing and scraping various medias Joseph constantly delineates and then blurs his images. Layering multiple stencils produces new and unexpected results, which in turn are fodder for more visual “questioning.” Figures become negative space, while the empty voids form new figures. His bronze sculptures take these chance encounters into a three dimensional form, his lively hand is seen guiding these figures in a dance of compositional elegance and
charged tension.

A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, Joseph has exhibited throughout the United Stated. His work is in the collections of the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City, MO; The Springfield Museum of Art, Springfield, OH; and the Guilin Art Museum, Guilin, China. Joseph lives and works in New York City.