About "The Party's Over or When Wisdom Expires"

The Party's Over or When Wisdom Expires is about failed ideas, incomplete thoughts and antiquated belief systems that subsist in historical visual language. The imagery is appropriated from a relatively insignificant 19th century still life painting from the Louvre, a genre of "game" paintings alluding to transitory existence, that was once poignant in its brutal confrontation. Today, a hand painted oil-on-canvas reproduction of this work can be ordered from a manufacturer in China, in several sizes, now a thoroughly valueless decoration, easily dismissed as banal. This project involves carving this appropriated silhouette of a dead pheasant directly onto a painted section of a wall, which would eventually be plastered over when the owner of the piece relocates. It would then be "reincarnated" upon subsequent reinstallation, representing a microcosmic cycle of creation and destruction. The work can also be "made" by the buyer or a hired installer, who would follow specific steps to yield the work, with inherent variations and anomalies. For the 2012 exhibition "Shelf Life" at Kunsthalle Am Hamburger Platz, Weissensee, Berlin, Germany, carving the image was not possible due to the concrete walls of the venue. To accommodate this setting, I made a site specific poster to act as both a surrogate of the original concept and evidence of its failure. Like so many concert posters, or subway advertisements, plastered by the millions on city walls around the world, the two renditions of this work are an ephemeral testimony to the transience of artistic investment.